BIND DNS: Pros, Cons and Alternatives

unbound.conf(5) - OpenBSD manual pages On BSD change kern.ipc.maxsockbuf in /etc/sysctl.conf. On OpenBSD change header and recompile kernel. On Solaris ndd -set /dev/udp udp_max_buf 8388608. so-sndbuf: If not 0, then set the SO_SNDBUF socket option to get more buffer space on UDP port 53 outgoing queries. The DNS protocol is not designed to handle dropped packets due to 29.7. Domain Name System (DNS) - FreeBSD Domain Name System (DNS) is the protocol through which domain names are mapped to IP addresses, and vice versa.DNS is coordinated across the Internet through a somewhat complex system of authoritative root, Top Level Domain (TLD), and other smaller-scale name servers, which host and cache individual domain information.It is not necessary to run a name server to perform DNS lookups on a … Add more DNS nameservers in OpenBSD - Unix & Linux Stack I understand that the current version of OpenBSD allows up to a maximum of three DNS nameservers. I have read the man pages related to the following relevant topics of networking in OpenBSD: hostname.if

WireGuard VPN Server with OpenBSD - lipidity

Add more DNS nameservers in OpenBSD - Unix & Linux Stack

Add more DNS nameservers in OpenBSD - Unix & Linux Stack

client.conf [Interface] PrivateKey = «client-1 private key» Address = DNS = [Peer] PublicKey = «server public key» AllowedIPs =, ::/0 Endpoint = «server public IP or FQDN»:51820 If you create the configuration file on an OpenBSD system, an easy way to transfer it to the mobile applications is by generating then scanning a QR code [SOLVED] openbsd 6.3 dns - Sep 11, 2018 OpenBSD Change Hostname - nixCraft Jan 22, 2020 OpenBSD - Wikipedia